Aren't There Other Things That You Should be Wondering About?

Chelsea's not so young as she appears.  You needn't search for
Empty cradles in the houses on the street, and, though she's
Quite attractive and engaging, she's here once a week, that's all.
She simply comes to clean.  It's true I follow her around, and also
True that, when she's finished, sometimes she won't hurry off.
She'll stay.  I'll make a pot of coffee, which we'll drink out on
The deck.  There's nothing funny going on.  She has a lover,
And, let's face it, I'm at least three times her age, but, yes,
We like our time together.  Tell me, how can this be any
Business of yours?

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 29 times
Written on 2024-09-23 at 16:49

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IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh this is a situation I can relate to! My douce moitié and I have a difference in age that has made a lot around us decide our relationship isn't right. I've also felt how any of this is anyone's business a few times as I've experienced this kind of small-mindedness before. Don't understand this tendency to turn everything into a sinister improper situation when an older person is engaging in a friendship with a younger person. Sure there are creeps out there, but it's not like this is the norm. And not everything in life is about sex, for goodness sake. Anyway, sounds like a very pleasant relationship by how you describe this... well-written, comme toujours, thanks.