Grumpy & Defoliated


Self-aware quantum computers

and journeys to distant star systems

lie half-hidden in the ground, in the mountains,

in seas & lakes,

awakened in places we call brains


The world is what we imagine;

the world is what the world imagines itself to be,

from necklaces made of shark teeth & log floating

to energies that carry us

to the countless places of the universe,

perhaps to that maternity ward we call the Big Bang,

which might be one of countless falls

through the birth canals of black holes


The future leaks from the pens;

the ink shapes itself into wars & medicines

in the Cosmos' cheerful surprise at itself


In the brains, stories gather momentum,

and in the stories, reality grows


The mind breaks free,

the scalp itches,

the body resists,

and the day rises grumpy

and defoliated

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 27 times
Written on 2024-09-29 at 11:01

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