Never Greater
So-called problems are not hard to solve. Just say that they're
Not there. Is racism a source of friction? No, because it's
Disappeared. If anything, the friction stems from racism
Which is reversed, and that is something well-paid lawyers,
Working daily, have addressed. The planet isn't warming,
So feel free to sit inside your idling truck in restaurant
Drive-up lines. Palestinians are being systematically
Erased. Who cares? Nobody likes the Arabs. Little
Creatures almost no one's noticed have been dying out.
That's too bad, I guess, but, in their places, we have
Oil derricks, giant mines, and sacred commerce. Really,
There is nothing wrong. You needn't weep or wring your
Hands. The world's fine. In fact, it's getting better
All the time.
Poetry by Lawrence Beck
Read 50 times
Written on 2024-11-12 at 15:20
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