
all the plaintiffs
ended up on my scrolling list
somewhere on a site
devoted to poetry
i bang with words
i sneer and laugh all joy
alone most of the time
look at what the web has
done to me
a sick lab's rat
infected with satellite crimes
something that couldn't fit
in a bad horror movie

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 49 times
Written on 2024-11-20 at 16:46

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!

all the voices
gathered on my digital scream
somewhere on a site
devoted to stream
i wield words aflame
i share and laugh with joy
alone but never lonely
look at what the web has
given me
a liberated mind
touched by global threads
something that shines
brighter than any daytime opery

Hope my reply brings a sneer!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
As are we all at this point.