glass is a light filter

if blacks are not racist because they are black (sufficient condition)
(we were all Africans in the beginning of humanity and there was no racism I suppose)
and whites could be racist because they are white (necessary but not sufficient condition)
racism is a white person's business
so racism of blacks towards whites does not exist
so racism can only be directed against blacks
so anti-white racism is a white person who is racist towards another white person
and by extension, anti-black racism is a black person who is racist towards another black person otherwise we would call it only racism
and anti-mixed race racism is a mixed race person who is racist towards mixed race people but who can like whites and blacks
an anti-racist racist is someone who does not like his race
p=(not p)
someone who stands contradiction? 🤣 is that someone illogical?

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 41 times
Written on 2024-11-21 at 18:00

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