

Mortality is a death trap,

life often a slap in the face

Some lives I simply snap

when death comes dressed in lace


Other lives I just abide,

sit still by the Bodhi tree,

do not take anyone's side,

just listen, look and see


Last time I was old as this

I was of the very same age,

and all I felt was bliss;

no work, no money, no rage


My feet stay grounded good,

my head sits right on top,

but I do pull up my hood,

heading out to scream and hop


But mostly I reminisce & recall,

stare into the celing from the yoga mat,

or else I focus on the wall,

whistle imperceptibly like a bat


Yeah, life is just another day

directly followed by its night

I either get payed or pay;

it evens out just right


But a death trap is mortality;

having been born means having to die

Behind each dream stirs reality;

just keep balancing laugh & sigh


Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 45 times
Written on 2025-01-14 at 09:25

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