With Luck

Oh, I know. These are trying times.
The crush of porcine bodies in
Possession of decrepit minds
Can leave one drained, a husk,
To gape, as all the good of life
Escapes, as history repeats,
And those around, who number
In the millions, celebrate the worst
Of men. It's hard to know how this
Has happened,... but it has. Let's
Do our best to wriggle from beneath
The crush, to move aside, and stay
The better people who we always
Were. With luck, this reenactment
Of the worst of times will end as
Did the ones before: erased through
Epic global war, allowing those of us
Still living to rebuild again.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 40 times
Written on 2025-01-26 at 21:14

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