What Happened to Heroes?

The world, we're told, once harbored
Heroes, stout-hearted warriors who
Battled for justice, taking on monsters
And tyrants to better the lives
Of their victims, the wretched and weak.
It would seem that such warriors have
Become extinct. In their places are
Thugs in the service of tyrants, pimply
Children who liquidate thousands with
Joysticks adapted from video games.
The wretched grow worse off. The weak
Are abused. One wonders if there ever
Were any heroes. Were they merely
Figments of fabulists' minds?
The unending reign of injustice persuades
Me that that is the probable case.




Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 35 times
Written on 2025-01-27 at 18:31

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The hero originates from Greek mythology ?

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
No More Heroes (like the Stranglers song). Everyone seems to be just accepting the inevitable now. Perhaps there will be widespread protests in the US. Or perhaps the judges who are blocking some of the changes will be the heroes.