Lilith, Adam, Eve

Too bad that you didn't see this coming. Marry the kid down
The street, your friend, and, after a while, he starts to get bossy.
You cook the meals. You clean the house, and he'll be the one
Who controls all the money. Second class, suddenly, you say,
"We're done," and you find a new place, and you find a new lover,
One you call an angel. Your ex takes to saying you're slutty and evil,
And, naturally, everyone starts to believe him. Mothers shield
Children whenever you're near them, and men think you'll join them
In bed. Meanwhile, your ex has got a new honey. She's passive
At first, as he'd hoped you would be, but she signs up for night
School. She nibbles the apple. In due time, he's ruined. He
Claims it's her fault, and, once again, he is believed.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 32 times
Written on 2025-01-30 at 21:40

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