Each morning I wake in

(from a wake in)

a body

(nobody's buddy)

that I'm dressed in

(distressed in)


with no way to turn,

with anonymous thoughts to churn


and I study that giant past tense

through experience's diminishing lens,


with always, less or more,

a conscience in coldstore

from a past that went before

when all that tears already tore,

when all I wear, I already wore,

when all I praised came out as gore

superficiality cutting to the core


until I rise and go (or stay),

that is, remain (or go away)


yeah, life sometimes gives, death always takes,

through northern winters, ice covers the lakes


but if you're in the universe, sit tight,

for dark is slow, so is the speed of light;

NOW is bottomless and at its height

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 34 times
Written on 2025-02-04 at 09:20

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Albert Vynckier The PoetBay support member heart!
I like the idea that death always takes, it's a very well-summarized atheistic thought! For believers, of course, it offers a paradise... Then, "Now is bottomless and at its height": that seems profound to me (no pun intended). The fact that something has no bottom is intriguing...