I dedicate this poem to a very dear writing friend :)

The Queen of butterflies

Aware of her own mortality

The Queen of butterflies

Lived and died in her silk cocoon

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 3305 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 17:38

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Malin Johansson
Thank you dear:))
I'm writing this comment in tears, of gratitude:)
and I can tell you that Im out from the cocoon soon :'))
And thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Many hugs to you...
Remember that you are a beautiful person who diserves the best:))

Sandy Hiss
This is a lovely poem and so sad.

Kathy Lockhart
oh how sad this is. it is beautifully written but deeply sorrowful. She gave up and didn't fly. Very evocative write! kathy