In response to her post about her photo.

For Zainab, A Fellow Poet

You are my sister,
Ebony polished
Standing tall and elegant
Like a gazelle.

Mother Africa is proud
to have you as a daughter,
But the Arabs grabbed
You for keeps
Then, your root
permanently etched on
the table of your heart.

My long lost sister,
Write to achieve your dream
Yes, your dream a poet,
A poet of note and class

You will achieve
If you work hard at it


Emeka Chike Nwogu

Poetry by Emeka Chike Nwogu
Read 1408 times
Written on 2006-09-02 at 19:26

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Very nice written for a very special girl here on bay!!!!I love zainab she is very nice lady!!!thank you for this!!!!kissess

Thank you Thank you Emeka
You are from nigeria I guess
Yes you are not only a sis for me you are also a friend who can guide me trough a right way
this a very cute poem
thank you for this poem
I'll take it in a form of a gift from you coz today is my birthday ^^