Poem "Forgiveness"

Forward Press, U.K had selected his poem 'Forgiveness'
to be published by Anchor Books - 2006 in the Anthology of poems titled 'A Time To Rhyme'.

Published in my second book "Shower to the Bowers"

His second Anthol



For the soul to console
Let us forget and forgive;
Each other, when our wean heart comforts and soalce:
Deep, our wound would heal and feel glee,
And stands Lord at our pedestal of Heart;
Greeting and singing with harmonious tune, Thou Art!
All those ill will, will flee, fill with mirth
Hark! holy only will suffer, atlast attains wisdom thro' faith.

Copyright @ 2006 Nagamuthu Karthikeyan Osho

God Bless the readers


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Nalini Hebbar (6/19/2006 8:43:00 PM)
hormonious...pl change to harmonious...lovely thought...just what we need in todays world
Uriah Hamilton (10/5/2005 8:47:00 AM)
Normally I save my hormonious tunes for the ladies,
but I do believe in forgiveness and seeking a Higher Self to guide us.

Poetry by Nagamuthu Osho
Read 728 times
Written on 2006-09-14 at 08:33

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Amanda K
nothing is as healing as forgiveness.And the strongest who starts forgiving.

Leif H T Strand
I believe, that the big thing about your poems is the message involved.
I mostly write about something that bothers me, and then the message is there, but only secondary.
In your case, I feel that the message always shines in the readers face, from the first line to the last.

Since you have the experience: Where could I send my poems for a future publishing?
I don't really have any contacts outside of Sweden.
