The Timeless Hunter

In whitened fields of sun-bleached land
Where rivers free from water flow;
Dried Savannah gently sways
And sand-bedevilled mistrals blow.

Here rising up from dust-filled plain,
Unhurried and with languid ease,
Smoke recoils from crafted frame
And idles in the evening breeze.

For in the clutch of arid cradle
Where ruby reigns on sapphire throne
There in a cultured earth-made dwelling
A mighty hunter lives alone.

Wild and free as his surroundings
And master by his own design –
Consummate in untamed reason –
Alive by breathing nature's rhyme.

As the dusk-fall casts its stillness
Afar he sits and gazes on
While the final smoky whisper
Kisses the sky and then is gone.

Tanned and weathered, lithe and muscled
Eagle-eyes matured by time –
A face that tolls the bell of ages;
A face that ages left behind.

And while he sits in contemplation
Through watery melancholic dreams
The now-tamed sun makes its descent
And clouds reach out in rippled streams.

So, alone, he sees the shadows
Herald again the death of day;
Unwilling to resist the seasons –
He lets the night and dreams hold sway.

Poetry by Steve Hagget
Read 1018 times
Written on 2006-09-17 at 01:08

Tags Nature  Animals  Hunter 

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Lisa C Wilkinson
Oh I love the use of sunshine in poems Steve, very inspirational. An enjoyable read. Watch out for my Burnt Orange Sunrise, it reminds me of this poem. Ive added you to my friends list.

Zoya Zaidi
I was there with the old weather-beaten-faced hunter...

Thanks Steve, for choosing the bay!


superb! just,,, superb!