Unseen Battle

There is around our crowded shores
An unseen battle raging
As locked in combat – day and night –
Two sides a war are waging.

Like chained immortals – punishèd –
And doomed to fight forever,
Mighty waves and steadfast cliffs
Engage against each other.

Wave upon wave, with all its might,
Charges with sound of thunder
Intent to breach the sure defence
And rend its walls asunder.

With granite strength, the cliff itself
Repels each fierce offensive
By breaking every pounding wave
Into a thousand pieces.

And thus it seems that neither side
Will ever claim a victory –
Until creation's mortal days
Sound the end of history.

Poetry by Steve Hagget
Read 1050 times
Written on 2006-09-17 at 11:30

Tags Nature  Sea  Battle 

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I like this it has good content and visuals and a sound rhythm to it.