
She kept on saying I love you
I would never leave
No one will take you away from me
You are mine and no one will take you away from me.

Written on the wall of her room
In blood is "I love you Cayce"
On her shelf is a glass jar filled with my
Toe and finger nails she cut.
In her closet and under her bed
Is my pants and old clothes.

I told her she needed a doctor
And she kept saying
"No am alright, I just love you"
And that's all.

She was taken to the hospital for strangling
A girl who called me a f**king dog.
I remember how she kept on screaming
Am not mad I did it out of love.

The doctors took me to her bathroom
And on the wall was written in blood
I love you Cayce, her body was hanging
On her robe, and on her tummy was my name
Written with a blade, causing blood to drip from
Her naked body to the white bathroom tiles.

"I'll be back for you Cayce" was written in blood
On a paper found on the floor.

Poetry by kayce
Read 589 times
Written on 2006-09-27 at 20:50

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