Sometimes, the imposible seems possible.


After voices of all colours,
you will hear the white silence.
And you will forget the silver
clang of a sword and the whisper
of desires..., the song of your
homeland, sigh of the wind.

Your words will be clear, and,
like freshness, they will cover
the tired forehead of a passenger
and the sharp stone rolling
down a slope.

Your look will pass through
walls and bodies as if they
were made of glass, and
your soul will fly into embrace.

Poetry by Dejan
Read 1473 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 20:44

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sabereh lotfian
These words really let the reader to go beyond your poem , & to experience the light nestled in the depth of it . simply beautiful!


sabereh lotfian
These words really let the reader to go beyond your poem , & to experience the kight nestled in the depth of it . simply beautiful!


The images are just very vivid. I loved this one.


~Aaron Rowe