Nocturnal Writings

Night after night I lay in my bed
I turned off the TV before the 11 o'clock news
There is the orange glow of the streetlights
There is no noise except a couple people
They talk about God knows what
But soon they fade into the distance
My eyes close
I try to drift off to sleep
But my mind finds words that go together
Poems I have not written
Characters not yet seen in my books
Actions redone in my mind
Did I make a mistake or more than one?
Could I have written that better?
What was that word I misspelled?
I don't remember
I used so many words in so many ways
How could I remember one?
Why did I end that verse with orange?
There is no rhyme for orange
Why the hell would I write about an orange?
What should my next book be about?
I haven't finished the one I am working on
Where did I leave the main character?
Did I kill him off?
I hope not
No, I would not be dumb enough to do that
Who did I kill?
I don't remember
Damnit, what rhymes with orange
I hear a couple more people
There is a buzz coming from the kitchen
The curtain moves slightly in the breeze
There it is
The sun shines through the narrow crack
Another night of no sleep and few ideas
Maybe tomorrow my mind will finally rest
I might be able dream
I might finally get some sleep

Poetry by Rob Taylor
Read 791 times
Written on 2006-12-30 at 02:56

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Kathy Lockhart
i've had those nights. those nights of nonsense and torment. those nights of the leaky faucet dripping words, phrases, thoughts in my brain. You took me back to those times. You set the scene and lead me along with you through this imaged filled poem.