This is a poem from my love to me. I just wanted to share.

Truth, Trust and Respect

From your head to your toes,
And everything in between.

When I tell you,"I love you,"
I hope you know what I mean.

You came to me quite unexpected,
I want you to know how much you're respected.

Something else you should know and this one's a must,
When I love someone in them I trust.

Last but not least, from me to you,
My sweet Myleena, my love for you is true.

Truth, Trust and Respect.

All My Love,

Poetry by Myleena
Read 1032 times
Written on 2007-01-08 at 22:33

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Well worth sharing Myleena. You are a lucky woman but no more than he is a lucky man. Perfect match. Smiling at you, jealous as hell!lol Tai