Fascination for graveyards...

Dance of the Dead

Row on row green graves sigh
and reach with mossy hands

Tumbling old gravestones
begin their hoary dance

Strange music flows surreal
ancient trees guard the realm

Dark owls and bats surge wild
flapping with old dead souls

spirits blend, merge and moan
to the music of death

breezes laugh, darkness twists
the graveyard grips and cries.

Among old graves, delight.
Fine splendor in the night.

Poetry by Lavender
Read 731 times
Written on 2007-03-19 at 05:59

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breezes laugh, darkness twists
the graveyard grips and cries.

Ooh, this does a eerie tone to it!
i like this one.

Tumbling old gravestones
begin their hoary dance.

Interesting mood to this one,
It's dark but from a point of view of
someone who loves graveyards.
Very nice!

Rob Graber
Halloween in March! Really sets the mood; the concluding couplet is great!

Kathy Lockhart
fantastic images that creep in and take up residence in my bones. I love this.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Lavender you have captured with the verve of Thomas Gray the atmosphere of this grave yard one can almost hear the creaking of those mausoleum doors and the moving sliding of old Dolmen stones

well done lavender blue rgds Mike

ah graveyards, i used to live next door virtually to a massive graveyard, i have even camped out in it with a friend, drinking into the early hours until nature's budgies started singinging with the approach of dawn, letting us know it was time to sleep lol - a good atmospheric piece :)