Sweet parting.

Hold me close , just one more time
Before i slip away
So i may look into your eyes
And listen while i say

I've loved you since the day we met
And i'll love you ever more
While now i take the final step
So many passed before

Let me kiss those lips so sweet
To calm my aching heart
For soon i know it will not beat
And we'll be torn apart

I fear not for myself my love
But of leaving you behind
And as i'm called from up above
This shell i'll leave in kind

In death, i will not forget you
As with the ebbing tide
So when your time has come to pass
Once more you'll grace my side

I know that love can conquer all
If it is true and pure
In spaceless time, i'll hear its call
" Our love it will endure".

Poetry by penfold18
Read 701 times
Written on 2005-11-12 at 15:05

Tags Sweetparting 

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Zoya Zaidi
So much love with underlying
pathos of the inevitable
that is death,
Or is it a death-wish
In the ecstasy of love?

Pen, for that!
xxx Zoya

Really good. I'm impressed.

Ahhhh! Love is in the air! Lovely....

Nice love poem.she will love this ,,well wrote mate...Eddy