Watching the rain

Theres something quite calming
About watching the rain
As thousands of droplets race down the pane
Like minature rivers increasing their girth
To cascade off the sill returning to earth

Nature full circle is quenching her thirst
Filling her insides till ready to burst
Swelling the rivers the lakes and the springs
Bringing new life to all manner of things

The sun takes its toll lifting moisture and air
Up into the clouds without even a care
And so natures cycle starts over again
And theres something quite calming
About watching the rain.

Poetry by penfold18
Read 1018 times
Written on 2005-11-18 at 13:49

Tags Rain 

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As a lover of rain, I find this piece to be so very beautiful....setting a mood, a lovely painting of imagery.

Pen, i think we like the rain the same, that is plain...he he... i slip into My Fair Lady at the drop of a hat. sorry



Another goodf write you get a very well done off me,,,

Zoya Zaidi
Soothing not sothing(shucks! my key's getting stuck!) sorry about that Pen!

Zoya Zaidi
What a rythmically unfolding, lyrically sothing, calming piece...
I feel like going out and dancing in your rain...
Bravo! Pen!
xxx Zoya