Another one...

I'm lost

I'm lost. Lost in this endless darkness. Where are all the lights?
Are they hiding, or is it me that can't them see?
The days goes by, and I nothing see or hear.
The only thing is the empty feeling inside.
What is this feeling? Is it fear?
Fear of life, fear of die. Fear of happiness, fear of sadness.
Fear of love, fear of hate. Fear of eyes that see, fear of blindness.
Fear of answers, fear of more questions.
Fear of being here?
I do not know.
All I know is that I don't know...

Poetry by Sandra Sicilie Hansen
Read 952 times
Written on 2005-12-13 at 15:43

Tags Alone  Questions  Depression 

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Zoya Zaidi
Awesome write, You are not the only one sweetheart, we are all a little lost, sometimes more then at other times, sometimes less...The fact that you realise that you are lost is a positive step towards finding your self... So, you will soon find yourself...most of the time we don't even realise that we are lost, & that is bad...
((((((hugs for that thought provoking write))))
xxx, Zoya

we all feel lost inside at times, the fact that you try an Analise your feeling is probably a good thing and you have expressed that well :-)