In her mid-twenties...and he was only four years younger...

I was older than you

But I know that you truly loved me

All these pretty teenagers
Thought they could take you
Away from me

I never doubted you
Because I know that you loved me

But you doubted me
Because I didn't become jealous

But I didn't become jealous
Because I had inner strength

You understood that
When it was too late

My lovely younger partner
To this day I love you

Till the day I die

Poetry by EMITSTI
Read 676 times
Written on 2007-11-18 at 06:50

Tags Younger  Partner  Die 

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Edgar John Jackson
People never understand how much somone else can love 'em. We can sell or give our soul but they are not sure, they take our intentions for granted. great poem. thanks

Amanda K
i love the simlicit and the daring passion.