Sensitive readers please be aware of strong contents.

Her source of happiness

Was taken away from her
Long before you tried
To strangle her

Her purpose of life

Was taken away from her
Long before you hit her head
Against the wall

How could you have known
That her own life meant so little
When you wanted to break her down

How could you have known
That you can never kill
Someone who is already dead

Poetry by EMITSTI
Read 1048 times
Written on 2007-11-22 at 01:15

Tags Strangle  Hit  Kill 

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Amanda K
strong write..

WOW! powerful writing, powerful subject, profound undertones. Indeed death far exceeds the physical body.

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
The irony that the death of the soul can protect us is not lost here. Yet the fact that this piece exists is evidence that a true heart never loses the light of its spirit. An enjoyable read.

Sadly, so sad.
Powerfull write and thoughts here.
The truth is sometimes " not well heard "

Namaste Adeleine

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Sadly that often is the case in an abusive relationship, in the end the victim no longer cares about her own life - very sad and heartbreaking

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
The numbness comes after years of abuse to the point of losing oneself to all feeling. Death is a good description of this state of being. It is emotional death. Powerfully written