the soothing and relaxing life on the beach

beach life

my mind is drifting with the clouds
without any worry or doubts
i am watching the trees sway
trying to gently disobey
i am being wrapped around the comforting water
i feel like i became mother nature's daughter
my heart became as pure as this sand
i call this now, my holy land

Poetry by LaLa
Read 704 times
Written on 2008-03-27 at 07:01

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I love the beach too, been spending a lot of time there lately and hope to keep going in future....a place of freedom I love so much. Great write, you capture it well, Tai

Esti D-G The PoetBay support member heart!
I feel the relaxation oozing from your poem. Well done

rob lester
peace.thats how it felt.

dear poet,
welcome to poet bay.
your poem is good. write more.
I invite u to my page.