
do you feel betrayed
when i don't come to your grave?
i just feel afraid
to go through all the pain
i gave pieces of myself away
i held on to what i had left to avoid dismay
i am lost in this big world
and i've never felt so cold
please come and protect me from myself
i promote my own misery and states of confusion
i've created a big delusion
i want to give love from my heart
but people seem to be too far apart
i sit with my own loud thoughts all alone
which seem to have minds of their own
i am right and i am wrong,
i follow the lyrics of some song
i craft my own life out of thin air
watch me struggle from my despair
i am in love, but i dont know with whom
mystery person, i would assume
i am a troubled being
struggling from the world's complexities
questioning everything i can
to understand a nature's man
life is composed of unfitting fragments without you

Poetry by LaLa
Read 1128 times
Written on 2008-04-13 at 07:50

Tags Death  Life  World 

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Esti D-G The PoetBay support member heart!
Brilliant poem and lyrics!
Much lovestix

limber junctionson
Where do i begin!
you dont need me to tell you where you are as clearly you are self aware enough.
I would to like add though that you are on a journey I understand and the journey has an end.
Of course journeysend is very personal.
the loneliness never leaves but it is replaced by lifes rich tapestry:)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
The complexities of life, simply and so sadly put,

Elle x

rob lester
very good.very sad.