"Conservation is humanity caring for the future." - Nancy Newhall

The faceless crowd and I.

Would a Silent witness listen?
Does a silent witness exist?

To whom would I entrust
my darkest secrets, when
my darkest secrets are
not mine? 

yearning, searching through the faceless crowd  
feeling so keenly bereft of human companionship . . .

hopelessly searching for a reminder of the essence of
humanity. . .

who will unfetter them? Who will unfetter me?

. When we all are.
prisoners of our own thoughts
and unsatisfied feelings

prisoners of the dreamt but illusive
freedom - The Eternal Satisfaction .

 Why do we abuse, wrongfully misuse our
 own strength and capabilities?

Am I a victim of my own mentality?  

I still wander among the faceless
crowd. When will I make my voice heard?

Can they see me? Do I have a face?

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 814 times
Written on 2008-12-15 at 20:16

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good one ya :)

Kathy Lockhart
your poem speaks the deepest feelings of humanity wholly and individually. It tunnels in and finds that vulnerability of one's soul. As is your style, Carmen, a very fine piece of poetry. : ) kathy

Pamel Brooke
a very deep and stark poem, I enjoyed reading it.