I know I use the F-bomb just a tad too much.
in the garden of eden.
Ecstasy is in your ear,
on a tit, with a stroked cock.
It felt good. It feels good
to have that on my resume,
my permanent record.
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I want to tell you about it
in the locker room.
In your therapy notes,
you may find my secret wish:
castration, please.
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I'll be thrown out
for knowing too much,
for knowing that
dopamine is a river
which flows through
this garden of romantic
and spewing fountains
and fucking
and killing, sweaty
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I listen to the man
who says we live
in purgatory,
I listen to the man
who says Jesus,
I listen to the no-god man
who is sick
of the hypocrites.
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I can't run
from my cock,
I can't run.
Idle, idle and around
I go. Am I human
anymore? Have these hands,
has this cock,
have these two balls,
led me to a bio-mess,
part-animal, part-serpent,
part-porn pop-shot?
No power, no power,
idly swallowed, just fucked,
pure fucked in the eden
of my own cosmic comedy.
Do you fuck?
Do you roll around
in the slimy cum and juice?
Do you molt your skin?
Have you been fucked
in the garden?
Are your dopamine levels
rising? Are the ice caps
in your mind melting?
Is your brain economy
an abstract collapse?
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
Lord, teach me tomorrow.
Teach me chastity.
Lord, how I must be understood,
despite the garden
was long ago.
Long ago, I was fucked
in the dopamine garden,
that cunt in the brain fountain,
that penis head nose
for a name.
Long ago, I was fucked
in the garden of eden.
And there did I rot.
Poetry by Vincent Caruso
Read 757 times
Written on 2008-12-19 at 16:24
Tags Religious  Sex  Rant 
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Adam the Hedonist
I've just been fuckedin the garden of eden.
Ecstasy is in your ear,
on a tit, with a stroked cock.
It felt good. It feels good
to have that on my resume,
my permanent record.
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I want to tell you about it
in the locker room.
In your therapy notes,
you may find my secret wish:
castration, please.
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I'll be thrown out
for knowing too much,
for knowing that
dopamine is a river
which flows through
this garden of romantic
and spewing fountains
and fucking
and killing, sweaty
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I listen to the man
who says we live
in purgatory,
I listen to the man
who says Jesus,
I listen to the no-god man
who is sick
of the hypocrites.
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
I can't run
from my cock,
I can't run.
Idle, idle and around
I go. Am I human
anymore? Have these hands,
has this cock,
have these two balls,
led me to a bio-mess,
part-animal, part-serpent,
part-porn pop-shot?
No power, no power,
idly swallowed, just fucked,
pure fucked in the eden
of my own cosmic comedy.
Do you fuck?
Do you roll around
in the slimy cum and juice?
Do you molt your skin?
Have you been fucked
in the garden?
Are your dopamine levels
rising? Are the ice caps
in your mind melting?
Is your brain economy
an abstract collapse?
I've just been fucked
in the garden of eden.
Lord, teach me tomorrow.
Teach me chastity.
Lord, how I must be understood,
despite the garden
was long ago.
Long ago, I was fucked
in the dopamine garden,
that cunt in the brain fountain,
that penis head nose
for a name.
Long ago, I was fucked
in the garden of eden.
And there did I rot.
Poetry by Vincent Caruso
Read 757 times
Written on 2008-12-19 at 16:24
Tags Religious  Sex  Rant