I was saddened by the story of an old dog who died in a hot car.

Left of Centre

Pushed like an overloaded cart
for too long.
Left in the car for hours.
He stares out at passing strangers,
patiently annoyed that he doesn't know them.

Tired eyes. Old. Defeated.
Red and sad like a mourning husband,
angry like a betrayed wife.

Pushed like a cart
with a wobbly wheel.
The sleep that never came.
He keeps guard through the car window,
long past his shift.

The hours build in the car
and he starts to feel the heat.
Puffing like a puppy.

He puts his head down on the seat
for the first time ever.
The air is hot and thick,
he squeezes in another breath,
and closes his eyes.

Dreaming of fields
where he can run again.
Running like a puppy.


Poetry by Blue River
Read 467 times
Written on 2009-02-06 at 12:25

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