Childish Skin

Childish skin is full butter
Holding golden plumpness
Secreting creamy hues
Rich as velvet
Silkily fine
Inviting love.

The seasons have taken my skin
To be dressed a little differently
Although now a little crinkly and worn
It has accommodated my actions beautifully...
Expanding then retracting so cleverly during
My birthing blooms.

My fingers skin smoothing my babies brow...
This skin is with me now and forever.

We have fitted well my skin and I
Grew up together
Together we grew
How clever how clever my skin.

Poetry by jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 404 times
Written on 2010-02-10 at 00:49

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart! clever this is...really enjoyed reading it, and
now you have me thinking about my own skin...blah!!!

Skinny Stan