Memories of an old lover.

Deborah Stood

Deborah stood naked
At the window,
Smoking a joint
And watching
The day come on.

She lived in her body
And took it for granted.
I, on the other hand
Was transfixed
And grateful
For this display.
Of casual eroticism.

I wonder if the lady
Who runs
The hot dog stand
On the edge of
The Grand Canyon ever
Gets bored with the view.

Deborah stood naked
At the window.
I have recalled this
A million times.
I am still grateful.

Poetry by Budart
Read 688 times
Written on 2010-10-14 at 21:30

Tags Memory  Lovers 

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You rock Bud.

I wonder if Deborah was long and lean. The form of the poem leads me to think so.