Things - Zoetrope

Right now - ZoetRope

the rhythm of my heartbeat

I am where my thought takes me
but who is the cause of  my premade
thought? ~

.When I open my eyes. 

My yesterdays

My yesterdays
can be used as means of
evaluation by others & not
as my driving force.

I refuse to wake up

Time flies idly by

but that's not true
Time always returns
where it started &
begins again.

That's the only thing
time needs to know.

I have to get up

Nothing else exists

right now . . .

I don't need to know that I
can do it. Whatever it might be.
As always. I know that I want
to make it happen. It will happen.


You don't need to know

But as soon as it affects you
you will understand and your
heart will keep ticking

as mine will


that's my clock


The thought behind my heartbeat


where are you now?










Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1722 times
Written on 2011-11-28 at 00:59

Tags Life  Philosophy  Time 

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Sounds like a wonderful love poem...enjoyed reading it

xxx Stan