A truth and a pondering...

The Heart of a Woman

When I first opened my eyes
I saw a face warm and bright
I couldn't make out what the feelings were
Joy - at seeing her baby
Pain - after enduring the physical trauma
Sleep - after all the tiredness
Sleeplessness - for she didn't want to let go her baby out of her sight

And amidst all this hustle of emotions and feelings
Decisions and indecisions, I saw
The heart of a woman
The heart of a mother.

Years passed by and one fine day
I was fighting with my younger sibling
We pulled each other's hair and scratched each other's faces
We screamed and yelled and boxed
But then, when in the wintry night we sat around the fire
She rested her little face on my knees and hugged me

And amidst all this hustle of emotions and feelings
Decisions and indecisions, I saw
The heart of a woman
The heart of a sister.

It was a foul day, the sky was overcast
The air was damp and my feet was wet
I was sitting in her living room
She lent me her new pair of socks and made me a cup of coffee
She sat beside me and talked merrily
Making me forget the rough time

And amidst all this hustle of emotions and feelings
Decisions and indecisions, I saw
The heart of a woman
The heart of a friend.

I saw my dad come home from work
Maybe he was irritated over something
And finding not a vent to shed his anger, he kept fidgeting
And then, I saw my mom warm water for him to bathe
She made him a cup of tea and oiled his hair
As he sat and recounted the events of his day
She listened quietly

And amidst all this hustle of emotions and feelings
Decisions and indecisions, I saw
The heart of a woman
The heart of a wife.

There is so much more to say
And so much more to do
I just don't know how well I can fill the shoes
Of these wonderful women
And all I hope and pray for is to be blessed with
The golden heart of a woman.

Poetry by Amy Valentina
Read 978 times
Written on 2012-11-27 at 08:10

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M Heathcote
Beautifully written a lovely read :)

This is so beautiful. Really enjoyed reading. C

Really nice Amy dear. Its amazing to see how you express life realities through your poems. Keep it up poetess. You do have the heart of a woman and I know this for sure.

Joan Black
Absolutely wonderful. This poem made tears well up in my eyes. I wish, there'd be more poems like that on Poetbay. The future belongs to poets like you, Amy. The magnificence and spirituality of this poem can hardly be overestimated.
Joan Black