Just lazing around with my Maggie... that's pretty much how all weekends go...

An Idyllic Day

It's 4:42 a.m.
It's still dark outside
And the only sign of an early dawn
Is the chirping of birds that jingles like a lullaby

Maggie, my 8 month old dog
Jumps into my bed
And licks me up
Pulling away my sheets

And no matter how much I resist
I know I have to wake up
Coz it's time for her morning run
And she can't be kept it no more

She hears the keys and prances madly around me
And as the door opens, she darts like a fired shot

And then we sit in the balcony
Enjoying the morning breeze
I, sipping my hot tea
And she, lapping her warm milk

When I toss my french toasts
She looks at me expectantly
And I think to myself
A day's treat won't harm much

We go out on a drive
And while on the way, we shop
Fish and prawn and meat and vegetables
She is too well behaved and I am amazed

As we drive back, she keeps looking outside
Her tongue hanging out and ears flying
She is excited and happy
And so am I

When we reach home
We play fetch
And then, we sit in the balcony
I, sipping fruit juice
And she, chewing a cucumber

And then, I give her a bath
And I bathe myself
We have a sumptuous lunch
I, a grilled fish and prawn salad
And she, boiled meat

She cuddles around my feet
As I sit in my arm chair and read a book
She dozes off
And so do I

As the sun starts going down
We go for a walk
People look at us and smile
And she walks without a care

And then, we sit in the living room
A small fire burning
I, sipping coffee
And she, nibbling at her bone

We watch a movie
And have a small supper
We say our prayers
And then, we sleep..

Poetry by Amy Valentina
Read 931 times
Written on 2013-07-31 at 09:30

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