a random outburst on relationships

near or far

All this who-ha about
Distance in relationships
But what of short-distance
Instead of long, or even

Point blank relationships!
Too much space, so-so-ho-hum,
And claustrophobic, let me get
A breathe, tight of chest and

Body parts gone to sleep

Only you can suffer as
Ants crawl on pins and needles;
While all along your love
Looks on with a hurt and

Quizzical look! So down it goes
You sink in a puddle of woes.
It really don't matter the distance
True love should always pull through.

Poetry by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 770 times
Written on 2015-06-17 at 12:35

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Very good and straight to the point with evidence to back it up. Love goes any distance. I like the term "puddle of woes". Exactly how it feels.

Yes, relationships. Too close or too far ... hmmm ... I prefer too close. Nicely done.