.forgiveness is a two-way street.

The Prodigal Father

A barely audible creak greeted me
As I entered a still unfamiliar home.
Then his figure approached, step by step;
Aged and wizened, unsteady at a walker.

Where it not for his gait and slouch,
He could have been any other.
Now he seemed so much smaller,
Not the monstrous terror of long ago.

There I stood, a deer in the spotlight,
Shaking off a child's phantom fright;
In the haze of ill-served remembrance
Realising that I loved him all along.

Poetry by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 839 times
Written on 2014-12-20 at 10:08

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Kathy Lockhart
Powerful, filled with so many images and emotions that I am watching it play over and over. In your forgiveness, you found you loved him all along? Or, because you loved him, all along, you were able to forgive him? Well done. Kathy

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Farther , to me , a biological , word. Most men can father a child. Not many , earn the words dad and parent.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Very nicely written.

I associate with this poem quite well. Fantastically written! Nice stuff!

This is a powerful poem, so real, so tender. The love of a child for a parent is forever wanting. Forgiveness is essential for all as no one understands the reasons why people are compelled to do certain things. It takes a special heart to forgive. It brings happiness. Forgiveness, however, is not forgetting in my heart, anyway. A truly beautiful poem, fit for the holiday season.