An imagery.

... no tears left...

O' Clouds!
If you want to rain, just rain.
Thunder all you want
And shoot your fiery arrows.
Rain till you have no tears left
And all you pain has ebbed away
'Till the gloom clears out
And I can see the sunshine.

(Imagery has always fascinated me and I find human emotions so well depicted through nature - a portrayal and a lesson. It's true, isn't it? When you want to cry, you should just cry and not hold back.)

Poetry by Amy Valentina
Read 1083 times
Written on 2015-03-17 at 07:50

Tags Rainclouds  Imagery  Sunshine 

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This is truly beautiful, and I agree, the sorrow must be allowed to cry and be felt before it will leave.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
i find this simply beautiful.