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Katarina Wikholm

from Sweden

Archive - June - 2012

reading a dog tag (2) - 2012-06-01
ashes to ashes (1) - 2012-06-02
for your information, miss (1) - 2012-06-03
wilderness in my pocket (2) - 2012-06-08
in memoriam - 2012-06-09
lithic litmus coffee break (1) - 2012-06-09
unspoken jars (3) - 2012-06-10
spoke the ear of wheat (1) - 2012-06-11
the light house (1) - 2012-06-11
here be baby dragons - 2012-06-14
elegy for Wobble - 2012-06-17
too many apples? (1) - 2012-06-18
sun comes and goes (3) - 2012-06-20