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The latest comments that Erased has written.


You know what they say, if you think they are talking about you, they probably are. Then when you find they are not it comes as a bit of a disappointment.
Levity aside, if you are being bullied, try to speak to someone who can help.

fucking life

Actually, I'm new and I rather liked it. Profound. I might have added three more words at the end myself, but I haven't found the site rules yet lol.

Come tonight

I like the accent. It gives a sense of the separateness , uncertainty and impatience for to have everything at once, but knowing this is not wise. Also, I think the line
'why I write these things'
suggests notes in a diary, which makes the language grammar work.

Spontaneous Apeirophobia

Monet? oops ,moment

Spontaneous Apeirophobia

The images are superb. The fine detail described so succintly, the picture and feeling of held breath hold the monet perfectly.

The contradiction of our future

I liked this a lot. The cynical tones of the mercenary fortune teller and the almost desperation to know and by knowing to heal. I also like the confidential whispering tone, contrasted with the tinge of sarcasm.