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Rage of Reason

70 years old from Netherlands

The latest comments that Rage of Reason has written.

Gentle grace

Most excellent write, with deep and daunting metaphor. But reality can not be ignored. Currently man is in a transitional phase - one foot in the filth of every day life and the other in dimensions much more balanced and beautiful than the one we are trapped in now. This poem says it all in an exact abstract way. Thank you for creating and sharing.

Oh The Pain In My Toe

In Youtube there's a Kids in the Hall sketch in which Mark McKinney plays a loner who's injured his toe. By the swelling, the pus and the change of colour he knows it needs attention, but he can't get motivated to go to the hospital, because "as it is, I'm fascinated by the process!" His leg has gone numb below the knee, and he can stick a fork in it and not feel a thing. "Now that," he says, "is interesting!" I thought of that when reading this poem.

Death March

The art of creating rhyming poetry requires skill and imagination. It becomes difficult beyond average when a poet imposes a limit to the number of syllables in each line, which makes it hard to give a poem depth of expression. Still, in this write these difficulties seem to have been overcome in an almost casual way without harming the profundity of the message. It makes it a great write. I enjoyed being on this page to read and ponder.

I Am Dead

What you write here in this poem applies to most. We are trapped in some type of mass hallucination called reality that coerces us to perceive anything as it is not. Powerful expression. Thanks for creating and sharing.

Musical observation

The return to empathic life that once was part of our existence is obstructed by inflicted delusions that are powerful, yet untrue, not belonging to the essence of our soul. I heed your poetic pondering. Thanks for creating and sharing.