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58 years old from USA

The latest comments that solomonstorm has written.

Broad Mind of God- Our Lord

i would like to tell you something.
with love.

i have been there.
and i care
but if i don't,
and no-one else won't
then i will try
to on't... aye
and if i can't
then i'll ask an ant
and you know what he'll say
try again a different way
and then...
the sonnet
the prose
the angst

the poet.

with respect
an aspect
of the poet

and you.
never stop

Wedding Photo Haiku

guess what?
never stop.

After the Storm

damn fine poetry.
evocative, emotion is sanguine, almost transcendant of the now or here. read a few of yours, and enjoyed 'em all.
the "about 'you'" on your page brings to mind trying to describe the emotion evoked by a clean and pristine piece of lined or unlined paper, with a fine point felt tip pen centered at a 45 degree angle on top, waiting pregnantly for my pleasure.
i try to describe how that picture makes me feel, and invariably fail, not for lack of a listener, or reader, but for divine words, sublime, or even close. i'm not the poet i wish i was, but a poet i am, however powerless to define the indescribable.

loved your poems this morning. epic.

mind returning the favor, and reading a few of mine? very few comments or reviews on this site so far. getting lonely.

i write poems that rhyme, but you write poetically, and i'd like to think we both achieve the same goal, though that's sort of debatable. read standing tall, or the artsy-fartsy one in which i try to describe what i've mentioned here. not very well, i oughta admit.
