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Member since 2014-10-30
Has written 352 comments

Has received 585 applauds


A no longer quite fresh season continues, hopefully one that still is able to be filled with poetic journeying.

These days have found me a prodigal to online poetry. Returning thus to seek what can be found by following closely to what the heart and thought incline towards.

Perhaps, ships shall again traverse, crossing in the nightscape of poetry, their wakes weaving verse and companionable thought.

And perhaps, before it is time, something of today shall be left behind. As the sails are retracted and the port of harbour is within grasp. Before disembarkation, a final flight to the open sky.



from Australia


Little Bay Blue - 2023-07-30
through the night (1) - 2022-10-16
singularity - 2022-10-12
A Tale of Two Geese (1) - 2022-10-05
sunrise, sunset - 2022-09-18
now - 2022-06-01
here - 2022-05-30
over (1) - 2022-05-27
do you remember? (1) - 2015-01-31

MY TEXTS, Archive 384 Texts

friend zoned - 2022-11-24
rhymesical - 2022-11-22
brain power (1) - 2022-11-20
skinned alive (1) - 2022-11-19
capricious recollections (1) - 2022-11-18
irreconcilably different (1) - 2022-11-16
negotiable leave (1) - 2022-11-16
ode to Phillis Wheatley - 2022-11-14
transitions (2) - 2022-11-13
seasonalities - 2022-11-10
best advice ever - 2022-11-09
waning gibbous - 2022-11-08
poets’ bounty - 2022-11-07
still - 2022-11-06
poetry garden (1) - 2022-11-06
gatherers and seeders (2) - 2022-11-06
star gazing - 2022-11-03
with you - 2022-11-02
support Bay writer - 2022-10-31
falling leaves - 2022-10-29

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"be courageously kind to all"