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Member since 2007-02-18
Has written 1 comments

Has received 33 applauds


I wrote many text on my last account and now i cant write more so... here we go again:)

Just to write something more here..; I try to find a way to feel without hurting myself. Writing is the only thing that comes to my mind.


33 years old from Norway

MY TEXTS, Archive 45 Texts

When we were together... (1) - 2007-12-18
The End (1) - 2007-12-15
Please... - 2007-12-15
claustrophobia in the box. Push a little harder, maybe I'll fit. - 2007-12-15
Where do we go from here? (1) - 2007-12-15
Eller ingenting (1) - 2007-12-11
Love - 2007-12-06
Was she Asking for it? (1) - 2007-09-23
mission-broken heart healing - 2007-09-08
Trace after a vanished something - 2007-09-05
Sore lips (1) - 2007-09-05
Me, Ana & Mia (2) - 2007-08-09
Black isn't a colour, no isn't a word. (2) - 2007-07-23
Words written on a broken heart (2) - 2007-07-19
Dupe - 2007-07-19
Words of wisdom with no direct connection. - 2007-06-17
what if (2) - 2007-06-10
Suicidenote - 2007-06-03
Don't Say Goobye (2) - 2007-06-03
Poetry of a slave (1) - 2007-06-02

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"The greatest gift of all, is to love, and be loved back."