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Member since 2007-03-20
Has written 6 comments

Has received 2 applauds



Maria Deyana was born 1967 in Croatia.She was journalist for newspaper and reporter Radio-TV and worked in education.
Three of her poetic collections have been published:

- Girl Treasury-Acridity -1994
- Good Water-1995
- The Wounds-2005

Her poems have been translated into English,French,Spanish and Turkish and have appeared in few anthologies of Serbian,Croatian,American and English modern literature, "Moonlit Thoughts", "Songs Of Honour" and have appeared in cyber-anthologies.

Her poems published in national and international electronic media,journals and magazines around the world and she cooperate for many literary electronic magazines. She wrote review for a poetry book " Colored Poems" by Croatian poet Sinisa Filip Novak.
She's a member of the many Writers Society and Society for Peace.

-Society Writers of Yugoslavia(Serbia)
-World Poets Society (W.P.S.,Greece)
-Poetas del Mundo (Chile)
-AuthorsDen (U.S.A.)
-Udruga,Pelud.Net (Croatia)
-International Society of Poets (U.S.A.)
-Society of Poems Online (Great Britain)
-Bilingual MCA Poems and Writers for Peace(Argentina)
-World Peace Society of Australia(Australia)
- PoemsHunter(France)
-World of Poets(U.S.A.)
-Interpoetry(Grat Britain)
-EditRed.Writing Community(Great Britain)
-European Writers(Great Britain)
-Autumn Leaves, Poetry Journal(U.S.A.)

Awards and Honours:

-In 2005,Nominee "Poet Of The Year" by the "Noble House Publishers" (Great Britain)
-In 2006,Nominee "Universal Ambassador for Peace(Geneva,Swiss,2006)"
-In January 2006,Nominee "Poem Of The Month",(Poezijascg,Serbia)
-In August 2006,Award "Poem Of The Month"(Udruga,Pelud.Net,Croatia)
-In 2006, Nominee "Poet Of The Year 2006 " by the "International Society Of Poets " (U.S.A.)

In the book "Imagination of Gray Existence",journalist,artist and photographer Kadir Aktay described the life of Maria Deyana.And DVD is also made for this project..It was accompanied by the exhibition of more than 30 photographs in the gallery "Julia Margaret Cameron -Trust Dimbola Lodge Museum,England".


She lives and works in Great Britain.

Writing friends

Maria Deyana

58 years old from UK

MY TEXTS, Archive 5 Texts

ALWAYS WITH THE SPRING (2) - 2007-03-20
ABOVE THE GRAVE (2) - 2007-03-20
VICTIM (3) - 2007-03-20
DON'T CRY, JELENA (2) - 2007-03-20