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Member since 2013-09-30
Has written 12 comments

Has received 33 applauds

Jeffrey Z Rothstein

MY TEXTS, Archive 36 Texts

New Years (2) - 2015-02-27
Morlocks (1) - 2015-02-27
Plates - 2015-02-27
2001 (1) - 2015-02-24
Gloop (2) - 2014-07-29
Sleep (2) - 2014-06-17
Gout (2) - 2014-06-05
And the Fireflies (1) - 2014-03-21
Friend Sean B (1) - 2014-03-17
Identity Constructs (1) - 2014-02-28
If McDonalds were the memory of an authentic experience... (2) - 2014-02-21
The Piranha (1) - 2014-02-15
Explaining the Unexplainable (5) - 2014-01-19
competition - 2014-01-17
mermaids - 2014-01-17
COPS - 2014-01-17
next to - 2014-01-17
waking - 2013-12-26
melt - 2013-12-26
Banana Learns A Craft (1) - 2013-11-25

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