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Member since 2006-07-24
Has written 38 comments

Has received 23 applauds


You know and I know We all will become
The certain and honest and happy and strong

Writing friends
I`m moving


49 years old from Norway

MY TEXTS, Archive 118 Texts

Song to Tine (2) - 2006-09-05
circles - 2006-09-02
Our Will??? (1) - 2006-09-01
I love you - 2006-08-31
Empty or full - 2006-08-30
Direction reached - 2006-08-03
Bahamas - 2006-07-30
Crystalballblues - 2006-07-30
Children 2 (1) - 2006-07-30
Children - 2006-07-28
Pool of tears - 2006-07-26
The Future Brings The Pastly Things (3) - 2006-07-25
Us 2 - 2006-07-25
Us - 2006-07-25
The I (1) - 2006-07-25
? (5) - 2006-07-25
c...m...ic.....i...n (4) - 2006-07-24
BRIGHT LIGHT (1) - 2006-07-24

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