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1. Little World
2. Hollow Existence
3. Puzzles Dome
4. Scraps of a Wish
5. Dear Lynn
6. World of Music
7. Wonder Wither Words
8. Hairpin
9. Lost love and forgotten by higher powers
10. My Mom
11. Father
12. The Poet
13. What is Friends?
14. Poem from a thankful mind
15. A Poets Poetry
16. The Green Hills of Wisdom
17. To a dear friend
18. Mix of Perfects
19. Arrival of the Number
20. Walk of The Tarmac Path

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Long Lost Poets Memories
Poetry by

A book with some of the poems I really liked. Been a while since I have written anything so thought I should start again by making this book. I have included my series of Walk of The Tarmac Path, though I couldn't see the whole name of each of the poems, so they aren't in right order. I have to appologize for that. Other than that, I hope you all will like it:)