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1. The Clerk
2. A clerk's ire
3. Enter the mall
4. Sonnet 1 (Nevermore - The last sonnet)
5. The Virtues of Tea
6. Catharsis
7. In sickness and in health
8. Will o' the Wisp
9. A mere flight of fancy, you say?
10. Sonnet 4 (Love is like a rose)
11. Nurture me
12. Who's killing my heart?
13. Resurrection of a Marionette
14. Ramblings of a clerk
15. Tethered tears
16. Sonnet 3 (Farewell my muse)
17. Probably possible
18. Sonnet 5 (The Second Deluge)
19. The life of a clerk
20. Hunger

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Reveries of a Clerk
Poetry by
Thomas Selnes

Enter the mind of the sullen old Clerk.