Love in terms of Illusion

Love in terms of

Illusion; Hidden

Hidden in obligation

With friends, family

Work, the world around you

Prominent because of a standard

What other people expect of you

Love for everyone else

And not for yourself

Critical thinking and reflection

Can reveal the love of illusion

So you can have real love in waves

Love in terms of illusion


Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1192 times
Written on 2007-01-15 at 01:55

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Very thought provoking and very true. Reveals everthing I am right now. Thanks for that.


liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I love you Love in terms of series =)

Love in terms of affection is my fave but
I also have to bookmark this =)



Love: The Endless Journey
by Coolaaron88